Saturday, May 15, 2021

The review of A Dozen Dreams

I reviewed my first piece in a long time. It is here, but here is a taste.

A Dozen Dreams Pulls Us Out of the Catastrophic

A Dozen Dreams is the theatrical / artistic installation designed to pull us out of our pandemic dreams and 
nightmares and then journey beyond them. I experienced A Dozen Dreams the day after the CDC mask 
mandate was lifted (although, still required during the show) and the installation could not have been 
better timed. 

Ellen McLaughlin’s “My Dream in this Moment"

A Dozen Dreams is a collaboration between 12 female artists and playwrights and an all-female design 
team; it was conceived by the team at En Garde Arts. It is a walk-through piece where you travel alone 
or in pairs, with voices (via sanitized headphones) guiding you through a labyrinth of dreamscapes. Each 
room was conceived, created and performed separately, but they all work in unison to help us make 
sense of the past year plus in isolation.

The artists’ voices’ themselves direct us, confront and comfort us in unexpected moments of clarity, 
empathy and exhaustion. The program will give you a description of the various rooms but the emotions 
generated by these spaces rolls up to hit you unexpectedly. Guided by the artist voices, you are in each 
of the 12 rooms less than 10 minutes. 

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