Friday, January 8, 2021

I'm SHOCKED to find gambling going on here!

That line, from Casablanca, says it all; but if you are not used to Scott's 1930s film speak, let me rephrase.

Some Trump supporters and Cabinet members are quitting him now that he actively incited violence at the Capital. They profess ignorance at his actions and shock he supports (clutch your pearls) violence. Haven't they been listening? Nothing he has done this past week wasn't explicitly said in the days leading up to this!

I am reminded of the too-many-women-to-count that had an affair with my dad, or married him only to be shocked later to discover he was an asshole / unfaithful / unresponsive to them. Even at 7 years old, I understood that if he cheated with you (when I was 7 years old, she was a 20 year old topless dancer named, I shit you not, "Joy"), his bigamous marriage with you was just not going to work out.

With Trump, I saw my father - albeit on a bigger stage. I knew that more power, more lick-spittery and a greater stage would lead not to more self-awareness, but to more self-aggrandizement. Narcissistic sociopaths do not find fame and idolization fulfilling. It is the opposite. For them, it is a drug. And, like all drug addicts, they need a new, bigger hit or the grow angry and lash out.

Less than 2 weeks. Can we keep his stubby little finger off the button for less than 2 weeks?

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