Friday, January 8, 2021

"This is not who we are..." Scooter calls bullshit.

Joe Biden said, in an address to the nation as the Capital Building was occupied by Americans who do not support our Democracy or Constitution, that this "is not who we are."

But it is, Blanche.* 

I am reminded of working for Thompson Reuters - as a contractor. One day I was having a call with a team including a VP from London. I was warned he was "difficult". He showed up on a conference call 15 minutes late. And his first statement was "Who is the fucking idiot that thought this shit up?" I told him on a work call that wasn't acceptable. He responded, "Fuck you. I'll speak like I want."

I ended the call.  He immediately called me directly and said, "What the fuck are you doing, asshole."

I hung up again and sent him a note, copying my boss and HR. I informed him I would not talk to him again without my boss or HR on the phone. Less than 2 minutes later, an HR flunky runs up to my cubicle and apologizes. He said, "I'm sorry those aren't our corporate values" but I should be nice to the VP.

To which I responded, "Of course these are Thompson Reuters corporate values! You promoted him. You warned me about him. But in my calls, with people he doesn't know he's not allowed to call people fucking assholes. I don't have to put up with it, I'm not an employee! He can speak like an adult or upgrade his own systems."

At this point in my story to future Project Mangers I say, "Now, I know I am lucky to be able to quit. I know not everyone can afford the luxury of calling this stuff out. But you have to at least be honest in your dealings."

And I say that now to Joe Biden and the other pearl clutching members of Congress, the Media and the Grand Old Party that was once known as Republicans. This is exactly who we are! We are a nation where 71 million people voted for Trump, for White Supremacy, for lies instead of the truth. A nation where millions believe Democrats and Hollywood elites drain children of their blood to look younger. Where over half the Republicans are afraid the Covid vaccine will put Microsoft chips in people AND those chips are the mark fo the devil.

Pretending this country is the same one we grew up under and admired is foolish. It leads to bad decisions, like not believing the people when they say they will storm government if Trump isn't re-elected.

*But it is Blanche, is gay speech meaning the truth is what it is regardless of what you want the turth to be. It derives from movie What Ever Happened to Baby Jane when Joan Crawford whines in her best voice, "If I wasn't in this wheelchair..." And Bette Davis replies, "But you are Blanche! You are in that wheelchair!" and then laughs manically.

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.