Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Welcome to the Banana Republic of America

Our President has been given unlimited powers now. We are in a Banana Republic that may or may not change after the election.

The President was cleared with the majority of Republican Senators saying that:
  • Solicitation of Foreign help in a domestic election is not illegal
  • The President can do whatever he wants if he "truly believes" the net effect is getting himself reelected - and that is in the interest of the country
  • The Presidential branch does not have to participate in oversight by the Legislative Branch
Some Republicans cleared him with the understanding that:
  • He knew what he did was wrong and would behave better
 Since the acquittal the President has:
  1. Set up a direct path so his personal lawyer can investigate any person and turn that directly over to the Department of Justice
  2. Fired 3 people -2 of which testified against him (as per their legal requirement): the Ambassador to Europe Sonderland, Lt. Col. Vidman on the National Security Council and Lt. Col. Vidman's twin brother because he can't tell the two of them apart.
  3. Personally demoted three US military lawyers because they successfully prosecuted a war-crimes case against a marine the President likes.
  4. Intervened in an on-going investigation to give President Trump's friend a lighter sentence over the objections of the Department of Justice and career prosecutors.
It's been a fucking week!

1 comment:

  1. And let's not forget his budget proposal that would make cuts to Medicaid and reductions in the Children’s Health Insurance Program, slash the EPA budget by 26.5 percent, and cut the DHHS budget by 9 percent.


I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.