Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Trump's Economy - Best in the World or National Economic Emergency

I wonder if he wakes up trying to figure out how to screw people over?

President Trump shouts about the economy being the best ever and the world's best all the time.  Here are some of his tweets recently. (More on twitter, but her a couple)...

On his other hand thought, the President has just said he would limit the pay raises for the Federal Employees to 1% because of "National Economic Emergency".  This is the detail of that (here) and a few key paragraphs...

Title 5, United States Code, authorizes me to implement alternative plans for pay adjustments for civilian Federal employees covered by the General Schedule and certain other pay systems if, because of “national emergency or serious economic conditions affecting the general welfare,” I view the increases that would otherwise take effect as inappropriate....We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course; Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases. 

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