Tuesday, February 11, 2020

My Complex (and Stupid) Desire

I understand both that I am totally weird and, sometimes, why I am wierd.

Right now, this has developed into this bizarre obsession that I KNOW I couldn't follow thru on, yet it tugs at me. I want to retire, move to Montenegro and take care of a few Spomenik (monuments built by Yugoslavia).

For example, one Spomenik (this one is in Barutana and a tribute to Fallen War Heroes).

Why take care of them? Well, let's start with what I have lost or at least feel like I have lost. In the United States, we used to believe in the rule of the law, and, per our motto, e pluribus unum. The motto means Out of Many, One. That is our diversity is our strength. But right now, hate seems to be our chief industry.

The Spomenik were created by Tito in order to bring a sense of unity for the country. Yugoslavia was made up of multiple independent countries and historical areas after World War One. They are monuments to unity, sadly lost after Tito's death.

They are a monument to a dream of unity. I miss our dream of a country to be better than we have been in the past. It is sad. At least there I could lose myself. And look, plenty of weeding - which is the one thing I can do in a garden pretty well.

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.