Tuesday, January 7, 2025


 It has been a long time since we lived in the land of milk and oranges. We played golf on Sunday, and a lot of oranges were hanging over the property line of one of the houses. I did yell and ask if I could take a couple, but no one was home. Slo I took two.

I was going to leave Ed half, but he ended up with a little less than a quarter. He should have been up earlier.

Oh. My. Goodness.  So good.

I haven't had fresh California oranges in a while. I mean fresh off the tree. Gad-zooks!

If you don't know, most US orange juice is made from a mix of California and Florida oranges. Florida because the color is beautiful, and California because the taste is beautiful. But fresh off the tree oranges. I did not remember how much I loved them.

So very very good.

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Two Sea Turtles

 One on land, on in the water