Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Just saying

Maybe not a defensible reason, but a reason. 

Luigi was a victim of spinal surgery and fighting health insurance. I am not saying this is a valid reason, but a reason. 

In talking this morning to someone deeply engaged with fighting for health care, I will say they had a completely different take. They referred to the HMOs of insurance companies as mass-murders. And while they don't condone what Luigi did, they find it moral on some level; i.e., the good of the many outweigh the good of the one.

I responded that it might be possible to defend the action if it was that single person responsible. However, in this case, another executive would just take over and do the same exact thing.

We agreed to disagree. But I kind of get it.

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Two Sea Turtles

 One on land, on in the water