Wednesday, November 23, 2022

My First Gay Crush(es)

 So "My First Gay Crush" is popular right now on gay twitter. How long twitter lasts is anyone's guess, but I did like this topic, so I will post my gay crushes. They move from generally funny in my tummy feelings, to my first real drop dead famous crush.

Although there were two grade school crushes I had, Devon Martin and Bruce Chauncey. And two high school crushes that consumed me for a while. I can't remember there names

Here I couldn't find a great example. But I remember the earliest shaving commercials and there was always a shirtless man in a towel shaving. I tried to tie my towel like that forever.

The Blond Russian in The Man From Uncle was a favorite of mine in elementary school. I thought he was dreamy and Devon and I played Man From Uncle all the time.

My first "Oh my god. I am really gay" moment came with Fredrick Honeychurch - one young Mr. Rupert Graves whom I still am in love with. And we are nearly the same age. I've seen him in movies, theater and in person. He has stayed my favorite.

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