Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Okay, two issues with the first episode of The Rings of Power on Amazon

No spoilers, but I watched the Amazon show Rings of Power. It is a return to Middle Earth about 1,000 years or so before the Lord of the Rings.  And, elves are immortal so we see a lot of characters from the movie, only younger.

First let me say, Galadriel is great.  She is played by some Welsh actress with an odd name (Muyfford Clark), but she is very pretty and very good.

Stoic and boring: Robert Aramyo as Elrond 

On the other hand, her buddy Elrond, is played by Robert Aramayo will all the harm and wit of a charmless and witless man. In the books (from much later) he is kind of a know it all. And Hugo Weaving from the other movies plays him as ruthless but kind of fair. I would easily take that over my milk-toast bland as hell character here.

He was on a few years of Game of Thrones, so maybe it is the way Elrond is written.

He is cute, but I don’t get the pearls either. Looks like a nod to current fads.

On the other hand Finrod is Galadriel’s brother and a cutie. He is also valorous, brave and sacrifices himself (that isn’t a spoiler, it happens before the credits). He  is actor Will Fletcher. And a cutie.

Not an error from the books, just an error in casting.

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.