Thursday, February 10, 2022

House Porn that is NOT Zen

We all know that Scooter loves house porn. I was looking at places in Orlando (no, not moving, just I know the area, so it is more fun to look there). I saw this house.

At first, it doesn't seem overwhelming. But the more you look, the more you see it is absolutely stuffed to the gills with crap. It is craptastic. And this is after it was staged for sale. You just know this is a future horder. (And, no "craptastic was NOT flagged as incorrect?)

I mean, it is clean here, but how much crap did they have to hide to get here?

Is that a gym "shaking plate" on the floor. I also love the beads hanging for the hanging lamp.

This might not seem that bad, but it is outside! Those aren't windows, they are mirrored sconces.

Nice tub, if you can get to it. I love the Buddha head and Zen fountain for relaxation. Plus how many wrapped towels do you really need. I could at least 7 in two containers.

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