
Sundays are just for me... and blowing off steam

Sunday, September 26, 2021

The odd way we talk about vaccine mandates

I find the madness around vaccine mandates frustrating. Here are the basic rules at the federal level:

  1. Active Military must get the vaccine. Active military are already required to have over a dozen vaccines. Adding one for Covid, which will be active in the world for many years - particularly outside the US in "hot spots", make sense. Full list of required vaccines at bottom.
  2. If you work for the federal government you must have the vaccine OR get tested weekly.
  3. If your company has over 100 employees, you must have all of them vaccinated OR tested weekly.

As a child that had to line up in school and get vaccinated with all the other students and so these rules are not shocking to me or unduly harsh - in my opinion. In fact remember getting the Polio vaccine (in the sugar cubes) in the 1960s. And we eradicated Polio in this country. When I was in ROTC, the Navy gave me a raft of vaccines, including small pox. 

What I find a bit annoying is the verbiage we use when science deniers sue to prevent vaccines. We call a decision in their favor a "win" and when the government prevails, it is called a "loss". Look at these examples:

A "win" then means the government and common sense lose. And a "loss" means the government and common sense win. 

You could easily change those headlines to "New York City loses in fight to require teachers to get vaccinated" and "Massachusetts prevails in vaccine requirements versus rogue Police Union". I think you shouldn't make those seeking to imperial and infect others, particular children, seem like heroes for suing the government.

Here are some non-Covid vaccine requirements for groups of people.


Several of the vaccines recommended routinely for adults will prevent diseases that can be transmitted to children in the child care setting, including pertussis, varicella, measles, mumps, rubella and influenza. One dose of Tdap is a new recommendation for all adults and is especially important for those in close contact with infants. Adults often spread pertussis (whooping cough) to vulnerable infants and young children. Yearly influenza vaccination of adults in contact with children is also an especially important way to protect young infants. 

To enter this country NOW as an immigrant you must have been vaccinated against:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Influenza
  • Influenza type b (Hib)
  • Measles
  • Meningococcal
  • Mumps
  • Pneumococcal
  • Pertussis
  • Polio
  • Rotavirus
  • Rubella
  • Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids
  • Varicella

And for the Military:


  1. Like my sister says, "you can't fix stupid." Seems the same goes for mean.

    1. And "mean" is where we are today. It's crazy stupid and you're right. But aren't you always!

  2. Steve and I were just talking about getting lined up in the school cafeteria for our shots yesterday. You know, the shots they "forced" us to have to keep us from getting the big killer diseases and giving them to the rest of the school. I guess we were just sheep back then. Bahhhh.

  3. Ed and I had the same discussion - I wanted to check I wasn't crazy. I will say the oddest thing that happen at my school (Chapmen Ave in Gardena, then part of the LA School system) was the hernia test. Yes at about 8 years old, I had the school nurse grab my tiny nuts, and tell me to turn my head and cough. Al the boys thought it was totally weird as we tried to figure out what a "hernia" was and we totally didn't want to get it.

  4. Oh my! I've never heard of that one I'm going to have to ask Steve if he ever had the hernia test. I had to see an allergist before I went to Guatemala in 2007. He preceded to ask what vaccines I'd had as a child. I said I had no idea. He said "You know, when you went to the Doctor for checkups. I never had checkups. I was taken to the Dr. exactly twice for non-emergency stuff. He was so confused. I finally said "If you can look up what shoots they gave in the L.A. Unified School districts in the late 60's, that's what I had. Problem solved.


Light posting, Lynnie is here

 Lynn is here for about 10 days, and visiting with her makes for light posting. However, here are a bunch of images from a desert botanical ...