Saturday, June 12, 2021

Let Me Test My Understanding

I was a facilitator for many may years. As a matter of fact, I freaking ROCK as a facilitator. One of the most polite ways to call bullshit on someone is to say "Let me test my understanding of what I heard..." and then repeat back whatever asinine comment they made.

Therefore, Mr. Falwell Jr., let me test my understanding of what I hear you say.  

For you and your wife, your private sex life, including cuckold role play where a young man screws your wife in front of you, is a private matter. But my monogamous marriage of 13 years is an afront to God?

For you and your wife, birth control, so the young man screwing your wife in front of you and on video, is a private matter. For unmarried women, birth control is a form of murder and they should be prosecuted.

So, what I understand is that any set of rules like; the sanctity of marriage, sex outside of marriage, sex without marriage, sex between unmarried people of any type and paying for sex all will send ME straight to hell and you are allowed to proselytize against it. Including shaming people. But for you, it's all good.

Aces, I totally understand sex in religion now. Thank you.

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