Monday, May 3, 2021

This Week-End: The Wave Hill Gardens

This week-end our friend Kelly visited. Everyone is vaccinated and so we are beginning to see people. We mainly talked, since it has been over a year we've seen people in person. But we also visited a lovely garden in the Bronx, called Wave Hill.

Yes, that is Ed in front. No that is NOT our baby carriage.

As almost all of these were, this was a private residence for many decades before being turned over to the public. At one point in the 1960s for over 10 years it was the residence of the British Ambassador to the UN. Now there is a public cafe and the house can be rented for events.

But the highlights were the amazing gardens. And, it being Spring and all, they were in beautiful flower.

Ed and Kelly under a wisteria gone blooming crazy

Did Ed tell me my eyes were closed in this picture? Obviously not.

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Two Sea Turtles

 One on land, on in the water