Sunday, May 9, 2021

Per Patti LaBelle: I've Got A New Attitude

Ok, I don't really have a new attitude - but I loath the political sink hole I fall down into and so I am going to refocus in a few ways.

1. I am going to write slightly longer items about things I find fascinating. I was a Geography and Economics major at UCLA, so I find foreign political and social movements interesting. I always enjoy a dialog, so fell free to comment. Also note that I left school in 1981, so a lot of this will be talking out my ass - feel free to disagree.

2. I like the visual texture of the world (gardens, castles, waves, penguins) intoxicating. So expect pictures that I love.

3. Theater is starting back up (post-Pandemic) so expect a few reviews (copied from my Reviews site). I am hoping the return of New York's heartbeat will help me brain.

4. you may see more TV and Movie (even older movie) comments. I think this will happen as I want to write about politics and I will try to redirect.

Now, oddly, no one has asked any of these questions. But hell, writing is therapeutic for me, so I just went ahead anyway.


  1. Looking forward to all of it. I think the new attitude will follow in due course.

  2. Good for you !! Looking forward to more great pictures and thoughts!! Love you.


Two Sea Turtles

 One on land, on in the water