Thursday, April 1, 2021

We Need Some Basic Civics Test to Let People Into Politics

(Some) Republican politicians are idiots. We remember Loren Boebert (R-CO) said that changing our Constitution was impossible and we needed to protect the 2nd Amendment (an "Amendment" is LITERALLY a change in our Constitution). Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-FL) said Jewish Space Lasers started California wildfires. And Matt Geatz (R-FL) who says "blah blah blah... it isn't sex trafficking with a minor if I didn't pay her for sex, only paid her EXPENSES, you know, for sex."


Well now the blazing ball of intelligence that is Kristi Noem, Republican Governor of South Dakota, has upped the ante on dumb-fuckery. She was on a call with the Biden Administration about the proposed Infrastructure Bill and she cannot believe the stuff it contains. "... Stuff about pipes, housing and high speed connectivity. What about the actual "infrastructure"?"

This is a governor of a state, even though a very lightly populated state, who does not know what "Infrastructure" actually is. And, before she opens her big dumb (but pretty) mouth of Fox News, doesn't bother to look up the word.

She is upset because (and I quote):

“I was on a call with the White House today with all of the governors talking about the specifics of this package and I was shocked by how much doesn’t go into infrastructure,” Noem declared on Fox News’ Hannity. “It goes into research and development. It goes into housing and pipes and different initiatives, green energy.”

So, just some examples:

  1. "Pipes" : Money goes int to replace aging lead water pipes that retard mental development and require government to replace tap water with shipped bottled water. This is common in older mid-west and eastern cities.
  2. Housing: Infrastructure around affordable housing, access to housing and rural access. Gov. Noem should know about this in particular because she was able to disenfranchise many Native American voters because they live on Reservations without road access and a valid address - so they could not vote in her state.
  3. Research and Development: Used to development different technologies to help our population where they live. Like the Internet, public health initiatives and innovative ways to reduce greenhouse gases from agriculture.
  4. Green Energy: You see, Madam Governor, the electrical grid that failed in Texas last month and killed hundreds, we need to upgrade our energy infrastructure to make it less venerable to climate change. We need to invest in Green Energy the same way we invested and still invest in oil, coal and nuclear.
Dumb shit.

1 comment:

  1. Yes she's stupid but then so are the voters who put her in Congress. It's hard to fix stupid.



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