Friday, March 19, 2021

No One Is Trying To Silence Ron Johnson: He Should Be Happy If They Were

Ron Johnson, Wisconsin's Senator*, is an idiot. Note just an idiot, but a fairly evil idiot.

First he said that he wasn't afraid of the white people storming the Capitol, but would have been if they were Black Lives Matter people. Let us remember, that these "good" white people beat many Capital Police Officers, pepper and Bear sprayed others and killed one during the insurrection. But they aren't scary black people so the porcelain-white Senator Dumb Ass wasn't scared (PS - many of the officers keeping him safe were Black).

Now the dip-shit says people are trying to "silence" him. His proof is that people are calling him racist.

So, first, no one is trying to silence you, Ronnie. People are simply explaining that when you say racist hateful things, you are a racist. It's a fact,  and stating that is not trying to silence you.

Second, you should be happy if they were trying to silence you. It seems every time you open that gapping yap of yours, you say something else idiotic, anti-democratic and racist.

You are a racist, cow-tipping ass-hat. And I think you should feel free to let everyone know that. Clearly in your state, it's a positive.

*Wisconsin has an interesting history of Senators. Some, like La Follette (R-Sr. & R&Populist-Jr), Proxmire-D and Feingold-D were very good to fantastic. Others, like the afore mentioned Johnson -IforIdiot and McCarthy -R were the embodiment of ass-hats.

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