Last week was quite the ride. We "found out' Trump pays no taxes and that he and Ivana are tax cheats - big surprise. We discovered that the Supreme Court nomination Garden Party was a super-spreader event. We were all "surprised" that even after finding out he was positive, the President put the Bidens, the Media and some of his very own high-rollers New Jersey donors at risk of Covid-19 hoping to avoid disclosing his own status. ONE WEEK AGO
Then, last night Trump checked himself out of the hospital. He was bored! Then he had his own Evita moment on the balcony of the White House were he stood for 18 seconds, swaying and trying to breath, all while pretending he has no problems with Covid.
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Don't Cry For Me Con-sti-tuuuu-tion |
But, while that shit show was playing out in the center ring, off in ring #3*, his Supreme Court is still trying to help steal this election. The Supreme Court reached out to overturn a South Carolina new rule DURING the election. Let me summarize:
South Carolina has a rule that says if you want an absentee / mail-in ballot in South Caroline, a witness must sign that you filled in your own ballot. This rule was temporarily removed so that people who were voting from home, out of a reasonable fear of Covid, don't need a second person to witness and sign their ballots. This was upheld by a lower court and then the District Court (in the USA, a court one step below the Supreme Court). The Republicans appealed again. This time, the Supreme Court overruled the lower courts (in a state ruling, which really should go to the State's Supreme Court, not the feds).
Now, for the start of the real shit show. Ballots have been mailed out and many mailed back in. The court said that those mailed in before this rule do NOT need to have the witness signature, but those after the ruling must have the witness signature. If the race is tight (it won't be for President, but might be for Senator) then the litigation is endless. How do you know when the voter mailed it? If South Carolina is one of the "bulk postage rate" states for ballots, there may not be a postmark.
That's okay, those same courts that created this mess will be the ones that "fix" the results.
If the election isn't a blow out, it will be a nightmare.
*This is a reference to the old 3 Ring Circuses that used to ply the country. Insert culturally appropriate metaphor for hiding things in plain sight when relaying this story to your friends and neighbors.
When a cheater can't win they cheat.