Thursday, September 17, 2020

What's With the Sedition Talk from TrumpLand now?

We have begun to hear the word "Sedition" thrown around by this administration. Here are two examples for the past couple of days.

These talking points have come from people in TrumpLand* close to the president. So what is "SEDITION"? Well it is conduct or speech identified calling to overthrowing a monarch or the authority of the state. It is a common way of muzzling all protests against the government. 

It is used (right now) to squelch dissent in Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Kazakstan, Thailand among others.

In the United States it carries a possible sentence of 20 years in jail. But in the United States, we have the right of assembly and protest. And so "sedition" is rarely used except in spy cases, particularly around the beginning of the Republic and during the Civil War.

The fact that Trump appointees are calling protesters, as well as the Mayor of Seattle, guilty of sedition is a massive step up in their blame game. Caputo actually suggested arming TrumpLand for a civil war is Biden wins the election or if he"fails to acknowledge a loss". 

Usually calls like this are fringe nut-jobs. The local KKK, Jon Birch society and far left looneys. But TrumpLand is now calling for this right at the top.

This election cannot come fast enough for me.

*To get to TrumpLand, go down Main Street, through the gates to Fantasyland, right past the Mad Hatter and cross TuneTown, because those people have a tether to reality. Follow the red pill character under the troll bridge and tada - get on a boat.

1 comment:

  1. I think Barr, who is a lot smarter (and maybe politically more evil) than Trump and wants to run for President in 2024, is behind a lot of the nonsense Trump spouts. To get rid of him we have to get rid of Trump. VOTE!



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