Thursday, September 3, 2020

Top Story on Fox News

This happened within the last 48 hours:

  1. The President praised a MURDERER, who crossed state lines, used an illegal weapon to murder 2 people and gravely injure a 3rd.
  2. The President, in North Carolina - a swing state, committed a felony by encouraging people to commit voter fraud.
  3. The Vice-President said he "did not recall" if he was prepared to be President during Trump's hospitalization. (That is his ONE job.)
  4. The Attorney General said police killing black people was true, but not an indication of systemic racism.
  5. Th Department of Justice was directed by the President to hold money from cities run by Democrats (i.e. all the large ones) and declare them "Anarchist Jurisdictions".
  6. The President praised counter-demonstrators in Portland who drove into town (from outside the city and state) firing paint guns, shooting pepper spray out of cars and waving Automatic Rifles.
Yes, ladies an d germs that was 48 hours in our little corner of hell...

And yet, this was the top story on Fox News. Nancy Pelosi got her hair done.

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Two Sea Turtles

 One on land, on in the water