Wednesday, July 15, 2020

If You Happen to Have Hulu

Hulu is kind of the sad little brother of streaming services. Netflix has e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g under the sun. Amazon has lots of $$$ to back it up. Apple has Jennifer Aniston. Disney+ has Hamilton AND all of Disney AND all of Marvel. Even the new Peacock will have Brave New World with Demi Moore.

Hulu has reruns of Love Island (UK AND Australia), a new Love Victor, old (and new) Mindy plus a bunch of odds and ends from TNT,  FX, FXX, HBO (leaving soon), NBC (leaving soon), ABC (if it isn't good enough for Disney+).

But it also has some interesting bits and bobs. I did like the first season of The Hand Maiden's Tale before it stretched out the story for too long. And now, Palm Springs.

It is billed as sort of a Millennial Ground Hog's day. But I kind of loved it. A lot. 

And I did not like Ground Hog's day too much at all. I thought it was a bit cloying. 

Palm Springs is NOT cloying. And that super goes for Cristin Miliote - who I also thing is usually a bit cloying - but that might be just a bad taste left over from How I Met Your Mother. Palm Springs is sharp, funny and has a solution that doesn't involve "just being a better person".

If you have Hulu, watch Plam Springs with and open mind. I am not sure what it is / will be on over in England. You guys are weird :-).

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.