Friday, May 8, 2020

The Changing American Mythos

America has run on a number of rules that have defined Americans for years. These have change. These are now obsolete and have been replaced. If you want your child to grow up and be a dead-eyed rich man running the government, please note the new rules (no women, blacks, gays or latinx need apply)/

1. "I Cannot Tell A Lie"

This idea, wonderfully caught in this impressionist-realism of painter Grant Wood, is that a future President of the new United States could not lie. The weight of the country is on the President and truthfulness is a key American value.

New Myth - Stick the with lies. If it doesn't work, repeat it.
2. "We Have Nothing To Fear But Fear itself."

Obviously this quote has been mangled over time. The actual quote in the box is from Franklin D Roosevelt, the president during the Depression. The idea here is that Americans are strong enough to face anything together. And it reinforces the view that Americans are best united, lead by their President towards a better civic responsibility.

New Myth - Government is a bigger problem than anything else and we need to fear them.

3. "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You, But What You Can Do For Your Country"

Isn't that fucking quaint! Image that people really believed that. This was at a time when the President was trying to share our values with the world. Sure, he screwed the pooch on Vietnam, but he also created the Peace Corps, started NASA and saved millions via the Berlin Airlift.

New Myth - Ask What Your Country Can Do For You.

4. "The Buck Stops Here"

This was the idea that the President was ultimately responsible for the nation, even if the Administration did something (right or wrong) he didn't personally know or approve of. It meant that when America had problems, the President ultimately would have to address them.

New Myth - I Take No Responsibility At All.


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