Monday, December 2, 2019

I’ve Read From Trump Supporters and I am Trying to Understand

I have been reading a lot from Trump supporters, and I am trying to understand their comments. A typical take can be found here, in the New York Times from Maureen Dowd’s brother. LINK

I do want to address some things though...

The liberals still sneer at religious conservatives.

Who? We don’t sneer at religious conservatives. I do disagree with a total ban on abortion - all the time with no exceptions. But we don’t sneer. We do question the idea that, as Rick Perry said, Trump was anointed by God, but that isn’t sneering at religious conservatives.

I support the president for his economy, his jobless rate and the record numbers of the stock market that his deregulation fueled. 

I get this. I am afraid that he has artificially juiced the economy with drunken sailor spending, advancing the debt at levels never seen before, and the bill will come due with the next Democrat, but this is a valid reason to support him.  As for deregulation, it is an understandable choice to pick money from Trump now, over clean water and air for kids. Not one I agree with, but understandable.

I feel safe in my bed with the way the president is handling Iran and North Korea.

He has let North Korea get nuclear weapons AND the missiles to reach to America and he has allowed the Iranians to start reprocessing Uranium. I think this reasoning is a stretch.

The impeachment inquiry is a farce. Ukraine didn’t do the investigation and the aid was released. I think that all aid is quid pro quo.

I don’t understand this. Trump held up aid, authorized by a bipartisan Congress, for self-dealing political points. If anyone else did this (say Obama or Clinton) people would be storming the gates.
Everything else is ignored. The internal crookedness. The self-enrichment. Lying to Congress.

I do agree with his comment.  The election is in a year. If Trump is as bad as Democrats say, let the voters impeach him.
At least I would if he would stop breaking the law, and illegally encouraging for governments for dirt on his political enemies. I would love nothing more then to wait to the election. I just want him to stop breaking the law until then.  If he would do that, I would be okay.

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.