Wednesday, December 11, 2019

It's A Tie!

Ahh.. this is what happens when I turn away for a second!  Friends note things that are full on Nincompoopery. Lynn couldn't even pick of these was most disturbing.  You choose.

At a discussion on Friday about reducing government red tape:
Trump Wants a Review of Toilets: Americans Are Flushing '10 Times, 15 Times' - "We have a situation where we're looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms..." The EPA was looking at the issue at his suggestion.


Trump also talked about new efficiency standards for light bulbs.
"They got rid of the light bulb that people got used to....The new bulb is many times more expensive, and I hate to say it, it doesn't make you look as good.... It gives you an orange look. I don't want an orange look."

I will add, the image of President Trump, perched on the edge of the toilet, in a dim White House bathroom - with an orange glow around him staring at a turd that won't flush, no matter how hard he tries - well it's an image now emblazoned on my senses.

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.