I was looking at this in my writing, but I thought it was nice and hopeful. I am not including the entire address (it was quite long) but this overview of it by the Mt. Verson historical society.
Washington began his address by explaining his choice not to seek a
third term as president. Washington revealed that he had hoped to retire
prior to the previous election, but refrained due to the “critical
posture of our affairs with foreign nations,” referring to the escalation of tensions with Great Britain
over its war with France. But with that crisis passed, Washington
assured the country that his leadership was no longer needed. The
republic would be safe in the hands of a new president.2
Having done his best to assuage fear, Washington then offered his
final counsel to the people as their president. He stressed the
importance of the Union that bonded all Americans together and provided
for their freedom and prosperity. He reminded them that the
“independence and liberty” the nation currently enjoyed was the result
of the “common dangers, sufferings, and successes” they had experienced
together in the American Revolution and early years of the republic. To
safeguard their hard-won system of republican government in a federal
union, the country had to remain united.3
He cautioned against three interrelated dangers that threatened to
destroy the Union: regionalism, partisanship, and foreign entanglements.
He warned his countrymen not to let regional loyalties overwhelm
national attachments: “The name of American…must always exalt the just
pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from local
discriminations.” At this time, many Americans primarily identified with
their state or region, but Washington reminded the citizenry not to
allow such attachments to divide them, lest “designing men” convince
them that differing local interests made the Union unworkable or
In particular, Washington feared that geographic identities would
serve as the foundation for the development of political parties.
Indeed, this process had already begun with the emergence of the New
England Federalists and Southern Democratic-Republicans. While we
currently view partisanship as inseparable from the American political
process, in the early republic, most condemned parties as divisive,
disruptive, and the tools of demagogues seeking power.5
“Factionalism,” as contemporaries called it, encouraged the electorate
to vote based on party loyalty rather than the common good. Washington
feared that partisanship would lead to a “spirit of revenge” in which
party men would not govern for the good of the people, but only to
obtain and maintain their grip on power. As a result, he warned
Americans to guard against would-be despots who would use parties as
“potent engines…to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for
themselves the reins of government.”6
The greatest danger to the Union, though, stemmed from the
combination of factionalism and external invasion. Washington explained
that partisanship “open[ed] the door to foreign influence and
corruption” because it weakened voters’ abilities to make reasoned and
disinterested choices. Rather than choosing the best men for office, the
people would base decisions on “ill-founded jealousies and false
alarms,” and so elect those in league with foreign conspirators. To
avoid outside interference, Washington advocated a foreign policy based
on neutrality and friendly commercial relations with all.7
Washington concluded his address with some brief musings on his
legacy. Given his forty-five years of service, he hoped that his
countrymen would view his past mistakes “with indulgence” and that
history would relegate them “to oblivion.” He closed by expressing his
anticipation of a retirement in which he enjoyed the fruits of the
nation’s “mutual cares, labors, and dangers” over the last several
years. That is, “the benign influence of good laws under a free
Washington’s Farewell Address spoke to contemporary concerns that the
Union was weak and vulnerable to attacks from internal and external
enemies. But even after the uncertainty of the early national period had
passed, his message of unity remained powerful. In the early nineteenth
century, Federalists read the farewell address aloud as part of their yearly commemoration of Washington’s birthday.9
It is still recited annually in the United States Senate, a tradition
dating back to the Civil War. The Farewell Address endures as a critical
founding document for issues of Union, partisanship, and isolationism.
(From On Tyranny) 2. Defend institutions. It is institutions that help us to preserve decency. They need our help as well. Do not speak of "our institutions" unless you make them yours by acting on their behalf. Institutions do not protect themselves. They fall one after the other unless each is defended from the beginning. So choose an institution you care about -- a court, a newspaper, a law, a labor union -- and take its side.
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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday
However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.

Roger Federer is a beautiful tennis player in so many ways. He was one that I was lucky to see play live quite often. Watching on television...
California Representative, and all round asswipe, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) commented on the Matt Gaetz issue. Represe...
"... partisanship would lead to a “spirit of revenge” in which party men would not govern for the good of the people, but only to obtain and maintain their grip on power....guard against would-be despots who would use parties as “potent engines…to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government." He certainly had that right!