For those who don't know, Taylor Sheridan is a prolific writer and producer of great, entertaining, and frustrating shows. He wrote the Acadamy-nominated Sicario and Hell or High Water. He has been nominated for an Academy and Writer's Guild Award.
Most famously, he wrote Yellowstone and its prequels. Yellowstone is a mean, violent, and thoroughly entertaining TV show. It is also conservative with a small "c." As a writer, he consistently badmouths urban people who come to "urbanize" Montana. In particular, he trashes New York and Los Angeles residents. He derides those people (i.e. me) as vermin who must be stopped. Okay. I get it. The people in those areas feel that way about non-Montanans as a group. But they are nearly all friendly to the actual people from those places.
And in Landman and Lioness, two new shows I like, his MAGA bonafides go up exceptionally.
In Landman, he makes a totally true statement about the enduring need for oil. I TOTALLY agree with his reasoning and explanation. But then he has to tack on that wind and solar are useless. Not that wind and solar are a start of renewable energy, but they are useless except in the oilfields.
He is completely right that oil is indispensable and will continue to be used (hell - we still use coal). But solar, wind, and nuclear are additive to the energy mix as we move forward. A point he actively and vocally disavows.
Look I could go on and on. But my point is threefold.
1. He hates people that don't agree with him. They are killed, tortured, turned into laughing stocks, or turned into Snidely Whiplash villains.
More Importantly
2. Taylor Sheridan's shows annoy me in a way that progressive shows(with a small p) must annoy others.
I think those TV shows that extol inclusion probably annoy conservatives (again, small "c"). It has opened my eyes a bit. The preachiness of Sheridan is painfully evident to me. But it has also made me aware that some of my favorite shows are just as or more annoying when they get preachy.
Note: Sheridan may hate LGBT people (especially Trans), but he is NOT a racist. He is full of inclusion for some really forgotten people - Mexicans, Indians, the elderly, and those living week to week. His casting isn't colorblind, but it is honest and truthful. He never supports hate directed at a race of people.
I watched Yellowstone. It's just The Godfather on horseback.