Antarctica is a frozen hellscape, populated by seals and penguins. Okay, was.
Antarctica is "greening" at a rapid rate. It is from an astoundingly low base of plants, but it is happening. I think this is kind of cool, except for the impact on penguins, but basically it seems cool.
But it has a time bomb problem with it. As the continent warms, invasive plants and animals might move it. Since it doesn't have too many native plants, invasive species don't quite freak me out. But animals!
Rats. Rats are what explorers and tradespeople spread around the world. Rats wreak havoc on the animals that were not used to them. Rats and Cats have destroyed bird species' nests and driven many to extinction. I don't want to see penguins and massive numbers of seabird nests destroyed by rats. So, people are trying to limit the impact of tourists and the numbers of cruise ships.
The growth is cool, but possibly deadly to local plants and animals.
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