Thursday, September 5, 2024

Travel and Crowds

 I learned pretty early on (relatively) that crowds of people should be avoided when traveling. Either go somewhere on the shoulder season or go somewhere very new.

This is why we often go someplace off the beaten path (Iceland in 2004, Montenegro, Faroes Islands 5 years ago, and Cambodia in 2009) or on the off-season (Door County last week, Hay-On_Why after the Author Festival, Venice in early spring, Laos in Spring, etc).

With the advent of social media, influencers, and the dreaded cruise ship ports - some spots are crazy busy sometimes. It did "help" a little that Ed and I were usually required to stay in New York for the US Open for most of July, August, and early September. Necessity is the mother of invention and all that.

And it helps that we have the time and money to visit off-season. We are, of course, very lucky!

Some areas we have visited that are now a little (or lot) crazy.

Venice when the cruise ships are in.

Santorini with people trying to get an iconic picture. (We haven't been to Santorini and don't plan to go).

"Unexplored" Iceland

Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Walt Disney World (Walt is rolling over in his grave)

Burning Man




Anyway, these are some nightmare destinations now. Plan ahead, and check where you are going to enjoy your time. AND put down the camera. I am terrible at this; I love a picture. But now Ed and I share photos, and so we can enjoy the time together.

Also, don't take a video of an event. They are primarily on YouTube anyway, and you never show them. And, if you do show them, no one wants to see them.

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