Tuesday, September 17, 2024

This, ladies and gentlemen, is where we are at

 Sometimes, I have to hibernate when the world gets to be too much. This news has been too much for a while now. It started as stupid and foolish and ended up in a place where I worry about the morality of my fellow Americans.

To sum up what happened. A rumor started last week, a day or so before the Presidential Debate between Kamala Harris and the Great Orange Blob. The rumor was refuted even before the debate began, but at some point, DJT decided to bring it up to show how horrible immigrants are. The false rumor is that Haitian immigrants have "taken over" Springfield, Ohio, and are now catching and eating the white residents' pets.

Again, THIS IS NOT TRUE! It has been debunked by the Mayor and Police of the town, the Governor of the State, and anyone else who is asked. But when told this, DJT doubled and tripled down, saying he heard it on TV. After the debate, he repeated it again. And again. As did his running mate, the current Senator of Ohio - who does know better.

And the MAGAs hit the threat level like a 3-year-old missing his candy. They went bat-shit crazy. 

The called in bomb threats to the school. And then a bomb threat to the hospital. And then a bomb threat to the University. And then a bomb threat to City Hall. And then threatened to blow up the city during a Saturday festival near downtown.

Now they are calling death threats to the Mayor, the Police chief and their families by name.

Yesterday, JD Vance, the Vice Presidential candidate, said that it is okay to "make up" stories to get the attention of the press. And still, MAGA believes it.

In actuality, Springfield does have a large number of Haitian immigrants. And they have reinvigorated a down that was fading away. They work in factories doing jobs no one wants and now have brought in more jobs, another factory, and more. What they haven't done is eat pets.

I do not understand. I do not understand why people are threatening police and city officers when they have just told the truth and debunked rumors. I do not understand why politicians put others in very real danger to lie. I do not understand this continues after it has been proven false.

I do not understand my country.

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