Monday, July 29, 2024

The desperate lies are past the point of interesting or believable

Excluding Donald Trump, who is contractually obliged to lie at least every third sentence, the Republican Party has decided to embrace an outrage that seems a satire to reality. These non-Trump quotes are unattached to the Republicans that said them, but I can give details.

Before we start, let's share some details about Kamala Harris because many of these lies are about her intellectual capabilities.

She is the daughter of an Indian woman who graduated from UC Berkeley and was a prominent researcher for a Breast Cancer cure. 

Her father, a Black Jamaican, received his PhD in Economics in England. He was a professor at Cambridge, Yale, and Stanford and the economic advisor to successive Jamaican governments. 

VP Harris graduated from Howard University and the UC Hastings College of Law. She was California's Attorney General and was later elected to the Senate. She is married and has 2 stepchildren. As a child, she was bused to other schools to fight segregation as ordered by the federal government.

These comments were made (and made up) by Republicans within the last 5 days:

  • Vice President Harris wants a "De Facto Holocaust for Humanity."
  • Harris is "Incredibly vapid, unaccomplished"
  • Biden uses body doubles.
  • Paris Olympics "Insulted Christians"
  • Demanded the FBI "correct" the bullet information.
  • The country is run by "Crazy Cat Ladies"
  • "Childless people don't care about the future of the country because they have no stake in it."
  • "Birth control for 17-year-olds should be decided by parents."
  • "Harris hates religion but loves LGBT."
  • "Harris doesn't care about the Jews." (FYI, VP Harris's husband is Jewish.)
  • "The Olympics are a weird satanic ritual."
  • "Childless Americans should pay more taxes."
  • Harris is a "Marxist Fraud."
  • Harris hates Jews and Israel because she refused to listen to Netanyahu's speech.
  • "Childless Democrats want to brainwash your kids."
  • "Iran was behind the attempt on Trump's life." 
  • "Joe Biden was behind the assassination attempt on Donald Trump."
  • "Texas arts support Drag Shows."
  • "Harris is controlled by the Hamas Caucus."
  • "Americans should be run by married people with children."
  • Parents with adopted children or stepchildren aren't really parents."
  • "People with children should get extra votes."
  • “She’s not a woman of color. She is an Indian-American woman and in her own book — this is one of the ways the media is trying to sensationalize and glamorize a braindead bimbo who sucked so much cock in order to get to the political position that she’s in today."
    • “I mean I don’t need to tell you. You are well aware of how much powerful black cock this woman has sought — has sucked — over the course of her career in order to obtain the political power she has today."
    • "And in her own book she says she identifies as an Indian-American. Her mother has a red dot on her forehead. She is an Indian. Not a Native American like Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren. An Indian-American. And nowhere does she ever identify as a woman of color until — right — until she is then selected as Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick and she wants to drive home this idea that she’s a Black woman.” 
  • "Harris is one of the weakest candidates ever. Intellectually, the bottom of the barrel. She was a DEI pick."

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.