Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Queen Elizabeth's boat, The Britannia

 When we were in Scotland, we visited Queen Elizabeth's boat, the Britannia. It is no longer in service, but it was an exciting peak into their life at sea.

When the Queen visited her realm, she often took this little boat to visit. Or she was delivered to land and then used the Rolls to visit her subjects.

The basic family room. This is where everyone would congregate, including any visiting dignitaries. Interestingly, the Queen originally wanted a coal fire but was told a seaman had to stand by with a water bucket 100% of the time if there was a real fire. The family decided on electricity.
This was the dining room, here set up for a state dinner.

Queenie's bedroom. A SINGLE bed. 

Philip's Room - focused on his desk (he too had a twin bed!)

Family's dining room.

The aft sun room. Love the furniture.

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Nincompoopery:  Nincompoopery is a noun that means  the foolish or silly behavior of a nincompoop .  A nincompoop is an informal term for a ...