Saturday, February 4, 2023

Karma Hits Back

There has been an epidemic of Jan 6th insurrections claiming they understand what happened, agree it is horrible, and have terrible regrets. Sure, we all know this is complete and utter bullshit, but the courts have to pretend to believe them.

And then, when they go on TV and claim the complete opposite ("I was in the right, it was a good fight, I regret nothing"), and zippo happens. Finally something did happen.


Judge Amit Mehta, having just entered into the record the guilty pleas and stipulations of one Thomas Adams, Jr. that Mr. Adams had attempted to obstruct official government business, entered the Capitol and Senate chamber without authorization, etc., was a bit surprised to read two days later Mr. Adams’ declaration to his home town paper that,

“I wouldn’t change anything I did,” Adams told the State Journal-Register Wednesday outside his home in Springfield, Ill. “I didn’t do anything. I still to this day, even though I had to admit guilt [in the stipulation], don’t feel like I did what the charge is.”

Judge Mehta, being a meticulous jurist, yesterday ordered prosecutors and Mr. Adams to present reasons “why the court should not vacate Defendant’s convictions of guilt in light of his post-stipulated trial statements.”

The parties have a week to respond to Judge Mehta’s order. It will be interesting to see if Mr. Adams is prepared to face a non-bench trial to prove his newly-declared innocence.

1 comment:

This duet with Rosanne Cash and Keb' Mo' came out 5 years ago.

This duet with Keb' Mo' , featuring Rosanne Cash, came out five years ago and rings truer than ever today.