Sunday, December 18, 2022

Well, it has been a good news year.. comparably

 I have plenty of stupid ass nincompoopery to comment on today. But, as it is close to the end of the year (it stops for me on Dec 22 - as then I am off to the Caribbean until next year) so I am looking at good news.

Travel is open again. That is great. People who were house bound, and maybe a little worried about going out now have some options that are pretty Covid safe.

Speaking of safe, if you are vax'ed and updated, Covid does not usually end in death anymore. That is great news for people over 65 and all people. At 63, I am perilously close to being old, so I have taken full advantage of the boosters.

My immediate family and closer outer family and friends haven't los anyone to Covid this year, and haven't even had a real scare. That's great.

Ed is still doing great at work AND does NOT have to move to Orlando. That's great.

We were able to go to LA and get our annual check ups - a few years late - and we are healthy. That's great.

The midterms were a wonderful surprise where reality seemed to persevere. That is both unexpected and wonderful.

I was able to travel to some place I had been dying to go to and see some old Yugoslavian monuments. So that was very fun.

Theater opened up again - and I saw quite a few Broadway and off-Broadway shows. That is great.

We were able to have brunch with people again. That was great.

So, looking at the bright side, it has been a great year.

Surprising when you think about it, right?

And so Merry Christmas from the Montana Christmas Bears. Happy New Year.

And yes, that is the Loch Ness Monster is bringing the myrrh (and I checked the spelling on that bad boy).

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.