Friday, August 20, 2021

The serious discussion of Afghanistan on Fox leads to ...commercials?

This is Sean Hannity (the White one). He has always been a radio / TV headline grabber, from college talk radio in the 1980s, through Atlanta Conservative Radio to Fox News "Opinion" broadcaster -meaning his attacks on gays, his "advice" that AIDS can be transferred through sneezing, his "birther truth" about Barrack Obama, his attacks and disinformation on Climate Change, even his appearance at Trump Rallies cannot be touched by libel, since they are only "opinions", not news.

Lets us now see how he has reported on the Afghan withdrawal. H supported it under Trump, but he is now totally against following Trump's agreement if it is Biden.

But the beauty is how he works his sponsors into the conversation (link).

“There is a stampede, not only out of Afghanistan, but a stampede away from high prices, overpriced service from the big carriers like Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile. The average family making the switch to PureTalk.” — Sean Hannity on his radio show, Aug. 16, 2021

“How would you like to be in Kabul today, as an American, and you can’t get to the airport? Where are you thinking your life is headed? If you’re one of those family members, I bet you’re not sleeping. … That’s where I go. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer.” — Sean Hannity on his radio show, Aug. 17, 2021

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