Saturday, July 24, 2021


The NY Times today has an article on how "The Conservatives" in England are losing votes. The Conservatives in this context are the name of a party, not a descriptor. They are the Republican party of England (albeit, much more liberal than our Republicans) and won areas they didn't expect int he Brexit and post-Brexit voting.

But now people are voting against them. They are voting both for the Labour Party (like our Democrats, but further left) and the Liberal Democrats (a kind of 'fuck both' Party that we don't have here). Bu tthat isn't my point.

There are, in this article, a lot of pictures of Beaconsfield, a glorious town that Barbara and Gareth live right outside of. they pictures are lovely and make me sad I can't go there.... (sad face).

But here they are.

This is Amersham (nearby Beaconsfield) where Ed worked for a month with GE

Ed worked in this little town. He stayed at Gary's House near Barbara and Gareth and Pubbed it a lot after work.

Downtown Beaconsfield

Walking the child (it usually a dog) in Beaconsfield

Nearby Tudeley and the fields.

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.