Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Back From Eagle Lake

We visited friends last week0end in Michigan (I know! - Michigan!) and it was fun. We went out on a boat on the lake and toddled around. We cooked out. We watched Eurovision (Italy? - really?). It qas a kick. some pictures.

The view of sunset from their deck

A good image of the lake with the Swans and houses in the back

The lake and my toes

Mama Swan and Cygnets

This is Lake Michigan - too foggy for a better picture.

It was fun.

However, I did have a little panic attack on the way home. I tired to keep it from Ed, not sure how I did. I was flying back to New York and I just kind of freaked out. I think I may be having a bit of a freak out about the city. You know I love being retired, but I didn't really expect the end of my career to happen in 2006. since ten I have been teaching, and loved it, but the new curriculum screwed me.

The new PMI teaching materials have changed in a way I disapprove of. I know that sounds snobby, but it isn't. I think they have broken their own ethics rules by requiring new applicants to buy their materials, to pay to take their test and then to certify them. It is no longer about having a quality project management education and all about making them money. And I think the entire country has gone off the fucking rails and no longer follows rules or truth or has honesty. So it hurts my brain.

So I have kind of stopped teaching, and it hit me that I am - you know - aimless a bit. I don't really want (or need) a new job. And we have travel plans (which I LOVE) which makes getting a new job tough ("I need 10 days off in June and a week in July"). I understand a lot of male self-worth is tied up in work and I guess as much as I want to be, I am no different.

I am starting a new shrink next week so maybe I won't complain here so much. I think that would be good.

1 comment:

Off we go into the great white yonder...

 Barbara and Gareth were here last weekend, and we went to the Palm Springs Air Museum. It was a kick. Most of the images are from when we c...