Sunday, January 24, 2021

Affecting Me? Me? Maybe.. a little

Yesterday, while watching TV, I realized I might have cabin-fever and might, MIGHT, have over reacted a little. I was watching TV and a commercial for granola bars came on.

I won't bore you with the actual commercial, but it started how "right outside your door" was nature and Yosemite National Park, in the sun, could be embodied by a Nature Valley Granola bar.

I called Ed in the room to replay the commercial, stopping at the "right outside your door" section and said, emphatically - Ed might say manically, "Outside what fucking window? Look at this window. You don't see Yosemite do you? DO YOU? You don't even see the fucking sun. " I then hit play and it rolled on to the lovely Yosemite National Park, which I have visited often, in the sunshine. Pause again. "Yeah, Yeah! Because EVERYONE lives next door to a National Park! What the fuck, we can't even GO outside. Between the Covid and the cold, we are living in a nightmare, and they show happy fuckers playing in Yosemite in the Summer!"

For some unknown reason, Eddie backed away and said maybe I was in a bad mood.

Really? REALLY! I haven't been in the warmth enjoying outside in 18 months! I don't need to see maskless white young sundressed and tanktopped thangs telling me that a cruddy oatmeal bar is all I need is to enjoy life.


  1. I, for one feel the same way, even here !

  2. I'm with you. I raise a finger (guess which one) anytime a commercial comes on showing people frolicking maskless. Frolicking maskless should not happen yet! Anywhere!


Off we go into the great white yonder...

 Barbara and Gareth were here last weekend, and we went to the Palm Springs Air Museum. It was a kick. Most of the images are from when we c...