Thursday, December 24, 2020

Here's An Idea

So here is an idea. We all know that children are bored with the covid staying home. But let's apply what we have learned.

First, Americans hate socialism. Rightly so, the idea of fair and equal treatment of public goods for all Americans is a truly horrible idea. It perverts Capitalism. So screw schools. Your kids can't go out of the house for school anyway, so let's just stop funding them.

But then, I hear you ask, what do we do with those kids and their energy. We do this. We turn to real capitalism and say "what is their value to the family" and the answer - as anyone who reads Ayn Rand knows - there value is what they bring in without government help. So send the little tykes to work.

Immigrant children are already picking strawberries and tobacco, let's let little Chelsea and Noah do the same! Make it a game. For every bushel they collect, another 10 minutes of screen time.

It's time to remove the nanny state barriers, cancel culture whiners and socialist institutions of education, health and welfare. We know that no one has the right to health care - only socialist communists and libtards think that. So, if they have no right to health care, then make them work and earn their doctors appointments.

I'm not saying I don't love kids. I love kids (I had two for breakfast last week - ha - joking). But we know from Fox and Trump that sending them to school only brainwashes them to think independently. AND, schools are socialist institutions. So rather than de-brainwashing them later, let's just raise them with a love of Capitalism.

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.