Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Privilege of Ignoring Trump

 Our President DeElect, Donald Trump, is behaving like (at various times) a spoiled 3 year old insisting he’s not tired and doesn’t have to go to bed or a spoiled 3 year old breaking every toy before someone else gets to play with them.

In either case, like a toddler (which makes sense - as he sniffs Adderall like Trump Jr has a coke habit). He refuses to admit Joe Biden won the election, which is both pathetic and hurtful to the country. Hurtful because the United States has a long period from the election to the swearing in and Donald Trump is making as much trouble as he can.

Pathetic because everyone knows this. It is funny (funny sad, not funny Seinfeld) to watch an entire party lose it’s spine publicly. Privately they say “Donald needs time to accept this.” Like he he didn’t get a power ranger at Christmas, not like the leader of the United States. (We used to say the leader of the Free World, but that is now a HA!).

My lovely Eddie in the foliage in Virginia.

BUT, and this is a big but, I don’t give a fuck! He lost. If he stays and tries to create havoc until Jan 20, then we are right where we all expected to be. If he doesn’t leave, then I am pretty sure he will be forced out. And if he isn’t forced out, then I will leave.

It is all proceeding according to the best “chaos theory” outcome we could expect. 

Oh sure, there is some world where Donald Trump comes to his senses and bows out gracefully. And, in that world, unicorns fart rainbows, Lindsey Graham is married and penguins rule New York. It isn’t our world.

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.