Friday, September 4, 2020

In Case You're Wondering: New York is Fine

Princess Tiny Hands is trying to defund New York City. To that end, he just instructed the Department of Justice to declare New York City an "Anarchist Jurisdiction".  To quote from his memo, which is trying to defunding the city (and most other big cities with Democratic Mayors), is this:

“Unfortunately, anarchy has recently beset some of our States and cities,” the memo reads. “For the past few months, several State and local governments have contributed to the violence and destruction in their jurisdictions by failing to enforce the law, disempowering and significantly defunding their police departments, and refusing to accept offers of Federal law enforcement assistance. As a result of these State and local government policies, persistent and outrageous acts of violence and destruction have continued unabated in many of America’s cities, such as Portland, Seattle, and New York.”

Now, I like hyperbole as much as the next guy. Maybe more. But New York City is fine. 

True, murders have gone up over last year. HOWEVER, they are still less than half of the number that Rudy Guilianni's BEST year, but that doesn't matter to our Dark Prince of Hate. And, while the Murder Rate has gone very marginally up, total crimes are way down.

So, in case you haven't learned yet, don't listen to the Great Orange Oz in Washington DC. He's a rabble rousing, shit-stirring liar.

1 comment:

  1. He fueled the flame and Portland and Seattle and he's just pissed at Cuomo for trashing him and maybe because Cuomo gets better press about how he handled the virus.


Two Sea Turtles

 One on land, on in the water