Sunday, September 27, 2020

And a "Majority" of the People in Hell want Ice Water

 The majority...

America doesn't give a shit about your "majority".

The "majority" of Americans voted for Hillary Clinton over Trump (by 2,8600,000 votes).

The "majority" of Americans live in states that have a minority of Senators (15,000,000 more people live in blue states than red states, but the red states have more Senators).

The "majority" of Americans believe that "sleeping at night, in your own bed, waiting for your next shift as a medical worker" shouldn't be a reason to be shot to death - but the police in Louisville disagree (along with the courts).

The "majority" of Americans don't think a President should work with a foreign government to smear an opponent.

The "majority" of Americans do not think a President that brags about grabbing women by the pussy should be President.

Welcome to the court Amy Barrett.

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Sometimes I despair at age. But this gives me hope.

 I mean, I don't want a child, but I think she is older than Tony Randel. Unlike Tony, she pushed this out!