Friday, August 14, 2020

Remember when defunding the Post Office was a WAC (Wild Ass Conspiracy)

Wow, how f*cked up are we here in the USofA?

So about a week and a day ago, there was a conspiracy theory that President trump was planning on screwing with the Post Office to help fix the election. It was a crazy theory because, honestly, who would do that? Turns out, Donald J. Trump would.

He has appointed a new Post Master General - a political ally who has never worked in the Post Office - another corruption first for Trump's administration

This man has cut postal worker hours, ended any overtime and closed post offices. Then, exactly 1 week ago today, he "restructured" the Post Office management: laying people off, placing political appointees in charge of the Post Office, shutting down sorting machines and all without explaining this to the Postal Union or Congress.* It was called the Friday Night Massacre after President Nixon's Friday night dirty tricks. Postal Friday Night Massacre details.

Yesterday president Trump actual said that he doesn't want to fund the Post Office because it will enable mail-in voting during a pandemic where 165,000 Americans are dead (so far).

How will this screw the election?

Okay, imagine election night. Millions of mail-in votes, but Donald's voters go to the polls. The way our elections are set up, the first votes counted are the in person votes. Mail-in votes are counted after that, often taking days, with the delays the post office is making, maybe weeks.

So the first results show Trump leading, because we will report what comes in first. Leading races, but not called because millions of ballots aren't counted yet. Donald goes out and claims victory on early processing. Over the days and weeks, as he loses votes, he claims "FRAUD!" He is already claiming this!

And since we use electoral votes by state, he doesn't have to win the number of total votes cast. In 2016 he won a good majority of electoral votes, even though he lost the popular vote by 3,000,000 votes.

So - if he can make an argument his people believe, there will be a shit storm in the country. And, since 40% of Americans believe him when he said drink bleach and shine a UV light down your throat or up your ass, convincing his people will be pretty easy.

And thus, American Democracy dies. FYI - it's not a conspiracy theory when the orange asshole takes about it on television. The Republicans response to his plan to fuck up our democracy....   (crickets).

Screwing with the Post Office has ALREADY caused problems. Most of our medicines, like Veteran's medical plans, are delivered by mail And Veteran's Groups are now complaining of  late medicines.  Bills that are paid by mail are late, even tough they were mailed on time. This administration will fuck everyone to stay in power.

*I have never been more disgusted by our politics, which is unfortunately, part of this clown's process to make us question government. But neither Democrats nor Republicans are doing shit about our voting. The Democrats passed laws to fund voting, the post office and protect voting rights in the House of Representatives, but the Senate (run by Republicans) has not even voted on any of them.


  1. Problem understood ! Solution ?? SCARY

  2. Bottom line....Trump doesn't want to be President, he wants to be king. For life. This has gone beyond scary.


Two Sea Turtles

 One on land, on in the water