Friday, July 24, 2020

I am not sure "Fucking Bitch" is a 'Sexist Slur'

Humm. I wonder about the framing of the BBC report. See above. It regards calling a sitting United States female Congressman a "Fucking Bitch" as a sexist slur.

They are not alone in using euphemisms - Fox News calls it a 'clash', ABC News calls it 'berated'. But the plain truth is a male, older United States Congressmen called the youngest United States female Congressman a "Fucking Bitch" in public on the steps of the Capital building in front of other Congressman and a national reporter.

Let's not pretend our virgin ears are shocked. He called her, in front of colleagues and the press a Fucking Bitch. This fits a pattern of Republicans.

The President called Nigeria and Ghana Shithole Countries.

The President wanted to grab women by the pussy.

The President called a United States Congressman Shitty Shift.

Republicans are rude, inconsiderate assholes who slur others and then pretend SHOCKED. The profess to uphold standards of decency. On the floor of Congress, Representative potty mouth did NOT apologize. Rep. Yoho said he is a father and a husband and finds those words offensive.  He implied he would never say those things, as he is a Gentlemen.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn't not fly off the handle. She did not over-react. She did not cry or act like a sniveling bitch like Congressman Yoho did. (Women in power cannot react or they are called, hysterical or catty or  on the rag.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez simply said (in addition to what is quoted below) that being a father or husband doesn't magically make you a gentlemen. Actions make the person. And while Mr. Yoho is a father, so what. She is, in fact, a daughter. And her father, if he was still alive, was a gentlemen that didn't demean women, either in private or in front of the national press corps and other Congressmen.

In many areas of policy I do not always agree with Ms Ocasio-Cortez. She  endorsed Bernie Sanders - whom I do not particular support. 

But if you watch her on TV, she is prepared. She has thought out arguments and askes excellent questions of anyone in front of her - regardless (or irregardless, which the OED just made a word and it drives Eddie crazy) of their political affiliation. She doesn't make me hit my head and scream "why are we paying you for this?"

And why? Because college educated former bartenders are da bomb (as no one, ever, says anymore).

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