I think Donald Trump could, fairly easily, win re-election. If it was possible for him to admit he was wrong.

If he took his rally face trick out and endorsed, heartily endorsed - not his hostage reading of a teleprompter, mask wearing now. If he said he was wrong before and it was imperative to his re-election AND to an economic recovery to wear a mask, then I think enough 'independent" voters would say - "well he has learned" and he would win.
It wouldn't be big and he might not win the popular vote, but he would sway enough to win.
And yet, his ego cannot allow him to admit he was wrong. In fact, his ego cannot even allow him to think he is losing now.
I DO NOT want him to win. I think it would be the worst thing in the current cycle - I am just saying it is totally possible. And it is strange to me that a man who seems so savy about optics cannot see it.
I, for one, am very glad that he will not apologize for anything. If it helps us out of this cosmic pickle, I'm all for it.