Friday, April 10, 2020

FYI: Deanna Did Get Her Revenge

One last thing about Deanna. FYI - I wasn't going to talk about her fucked up relationship with my dad yesterday, I just started and it flowed. But I would be remiss not to allow that Deanna was one of the few people (male or female) who did actually get real revenge on my father.

As I noted, they did get back together and divorce again. But she did have one more go at him. 

About a year after the last divorce, they got back together - after her children finally moved out. She and my father got back together for a short period. During a window when my father had money, he bought himself a big motorcycle and purchased Deanna a Datsun /Nissan 280Z to replace an aging Pinto. He encouraged Deanna to remarry him, but she thought she'd look too old. So they had a little tummy tuck and, as long as they were in there, a boob lift and enhancement.

I was at Zela's on that last Christmas when Deanna asked dad to carry her presents to the car. Zela and I went to watch at the window, hoping they did not get back together (they were obviously horrible for each other). She had worn Dad's favorite outfit, a red leather miniskirt and a white "Christmas" sweater of fuzzy argyle type with lots of gaps and whorls - without a bra.

She opened the back of the Z, had dad put the presents into the car, pressed her boobs up against him in a hug and proceeded to tell him she was leaving the state with his best friend. And that friend (who's name escapes me at the moment) wanted to say 'thanks for the new tits.'

And she drove off.

1 comment:

I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.