Friday, April 3, 2020

Again: I Understand Why Some People Need and Want Guns - but MORE Guns? Now?

I believe I have stated, and if not I do hereby affirm, many people want guns. Some people needs guns. Most gun owners are probably safe and sane with them.

Then there are gun people who are crazy.

Americans have purchased more guns since the Coronavirus initiation than ever before. The NRA - funded now almost exclusively by gun manufacturers, is all in on guns now. Although, how many do you need? Seriously. Once you have a handgun, an AK47 and multiple hunting rifles - why more? It is like people 

Previous highs.

- When President Obama was elected and the NRA convinced gun people that Obama would come for their guns (he did not)

- When there was a mass shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut and the NRA convinced gun people that Congress woudl come for their guns (they did not).

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