You can check the dates. This is Trump's "messaging" for the past ONE week of the Coronavirus
Fox News stated with the line that Covid19 was designed to hurt President Trump from the Chinese. In his VSP mind, this turned into a Democratic hoax.
Trump had the first of many idiotic press conferences. In this one he said Caronavirus (sic) was a democratic plan to ruin his reelection chances.
His craziness continues...
After unflattering news, he announced Mike Pence would head up the response team. Purportedly because he thinks Mike Pence has "Nothing to do anyway."
Mike Pence doesn't believe in science or evolution, so one assumes he thinks this is a condemnation from God.
Trump takes a victory lap perhaps a bit too soon. As in, since then all 6 deaths have occured and we found out the testing kits are fucked up.
Trump's team, in trying to support the President goes all in on the "it's a hoax" line. The Secretary of State, before Congress refused to answer if Covid19 is a hoax.
Actual National Institute of Health officials, scheduled to discuss and clam people about the virus are bumped from week-end television because they didn't follow the President's hoax line and now only Mike Pence approved talking points can go out.
On Sunday, the day of the first US death, the President once again claimed it was a Democratic hoax.

While most of the world and the US was looking for leadership on the Coronavirus, our Very Special Genius was telling his followers to fuck up the Democratic primary, because apparently that is what authoritarians do..
Yesterday Trump moved from the"hoax" angle to claim he has saved many many lives already and the virus would disappear "like a miracle"/
Trump uses the term "nobody knew" when he means he didn't know. He then confused the number of people that GET the flu, with the number of people that DIE from the flu in order to say that Covid 19 isn't that bad. Death toll stands today at 6.
And the result is at the last rally in North Carolina, a significant number of his backers, crammed into venue, don't believe that Covid 19 is real.
(I won't do this again, I just need someone to understand how mind-numbing this administration is 24/7.)
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