Wednesday, March 25, 2020

(De Blasio) I Still Hate This Guy

I cannot stand our Mayor De Blasio. His insistence on being on TV is second only to our own VSG Voldemort. NOW he wants to close the parks. STFU.

As you can see from the previous post, people are primarily doing well in the parks.

But he is getting a big head from press coverage AND it makes people forget what a dick he was. When this whole thing started and there were rumblings of Covid in February, he was still going to the gym.

And De Blasio can't just "go to the gym" in the City Hall basement. No, he's a freaking "man of the people" so he goes to Brooklyn. So everyday he, with a compliment of police officers, truck over to the Brooklyn YMCA so he can exercise with the people. He visited as late as a Monday a week ago.

The police are like, "Yo, the Brooklyn YMCA is a hothouse of germs, maybe take a few days off." He said no.

One of the many reasons the NYPD (and Manhattanites) hate him.


Here’s what else you need to know.

  • Mayor de Blasio was considering shutting city parks and playgrounds. He said yesterday that he would give residents until Saturday night to show that they could practice social distancing. If not, he said, he would be prepared to close parks and playgrounds “for the foreseeable future.”

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