Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Bizarre Anti-Pete Backlash from the Left

Pete Buttegieg’s rise has caused a bit of hysteria on the left. Pete is denounced (often and loudly) by those on the left of the political spectrum a lot. Very little of it is valid (I think the “he doesn’t have enough experience” is a valid criticism - one I don’t share, but valid).

Most of it is that Pete is not “progressive” enough. And that is odd.

Pete thinks public colleges should be free for families making below $125,000. Progressives (Bernie and AOC) are slamming him for not supporting free college for all. Even the rich and super rich. Even though in 2017 Bernie went out of his way to praise this exact same law in New York State.

Pete has proposed a buy-in form of “Medicare For Those That Want It”, because he thinks a public option will prove to be superior and succeed over time, but most people don’t want to ditch their current insurance. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie have criticized this as being too conservative. But this is Warren’s short term plan, and was Bernie’s plan in 2016. This “conservative” solution is more liberal than what we have now, and might actually be passed into law.

He is reasonably liberal, but with achievable goals.

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I’m in Steamboat Springs - most posting begins on Sunday

 However, I had to post this. Everything is kind of poopy now (see no curse words). So I take humor were I can.