Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Let Me Test My Understanding

So, given the Republican Senators comments, let me test my understanding...

From now on, future Democratic and Republican Presidents can...

  1. Withhold aid that was approved by Congress until the target nation supplies dirt on political opponents.
  2. Ignore subpoenas from Congress when they perform Constitutionally mandated oversight (that would have been handy during the Bengazhi hearings).
  3. Obstruct Justice by not cooperating with Congress
  4. Ask for and receive help from our enemies in a US election.
  5. Leave allies to be killed, but allow Americans to be killed to save oil.
  6. Cozy up to dictators (that would have been helpful as Republicans berated Obama for even thinking of talking to North Korea).
  7. Ignore or anger allies, whilst simultaneously not understanding how the NATO budget works.
  8. Make an agreement (like Trump did with Brazil and Argentina) and then break them in a fit of pique
  9. Exit ANY treaty or agreement (Paris, Iran, Start) on a whim and without Congress’ approval.
  10. Use the office to campaign in violation of election laws.
  11. Impose tariffs without understanding how they work.
  12. Penalize one set of states (like the Red states) while rewarding others.
  13. Sleep with porn stars.
  14. Call publicly for the death of his enemies (Adam Schiff, anyone who didn’t clap during the State of the Union address, Robert Muller, anyone else who “deserves what we do to traitors”)

That’s good to know. It’s going to fuck you in the future and it is all due to your evilness towards our Constitution and Country.  And I am going to be right there, doing the biggest I Told You So dance there is. 

Except for Susan Collins who is “very concerned”, but still will go along with it.

I think Republicans think this is all okay because Democrats don’t usually go in for pay-back. But when we win, whenever that is, I am going to be all for payback. 

1 comment:

  1. And stop any proposed legislation for vote in the Senate and then blame the House for not getting anything done.


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